While we take your HEALTH very seriously, our office is always upbeat and cheerful! Laughter and Happiness is one of those activities that stimulates endorphins (“feel good” hormones) so we laugh and giggle as often as possible here. At Ray of Light Chiropractic we have SO much to be joyous about. We may be celebrating because your kind referral has led to one of your loved ones reclaiming their health and life; perhaps we’re all cheering for a child who is now asthma free and is finally able to throw away their inhaler. Maybe we’ll be shouting for you because you’ve stuck to your care plan and now seeing positive results, from not missing a single appointment. It’s ALWAYS a party here…we’re living and celebrating life FULL OUT!
Regardless of our reasons for excitement and happiness at Ray of Light Chiropractic, you will be part of an incredible community of like-minded individuals who are pursuing health and wellness. They are focused on regaining the health they’ve lost and keeping it once they find it. In addition, they are enjoying a renewed sense of themselves, their goals, dreams, and aspirations because the cornerstone of REACHING your full potential is OPTIMUM HEALTH!
I have always found it peculiar and a little unfair that doctors desire to be a “mystery” to their practice members. That’s not the case at Ray of Light Chiropractic. In our relationship, it’s imperative that there be a high degree of trust. When there is mutual exchange of information, and confidence, trust increases. I will do the adjusting to keep your nervous system free from interference and you can serve as an extraordinary model of the chiropractic lifestyle…vibrant, healthy and passionate!